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EEOC Statistics

A 2020 report released by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, whose job it is to enforce federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination, showed 67,448 charges of workplace discrimination in the following categories:

  • Retaliation: 37,632

  • Disability: 24,324

  • Race 22,064

  • Sex: 21,398

  • Age: 14,183

  • National Origin: 6,377

  • Color: 3,562

  • Religion: 2,404

  • Equal Pay Act: 980

  • Genetic Information: 440

These staggering numbers illustrate the prevalence and seriousness of employment discrimination, as well as the need to protect workers from discriminatory practices. Unfortunately, not all claims are reported. Further, not all reported cases result in a favorable outcome for the employee.

The Laws the EEOC Enforces

Collectively, these laws protect employees and job applicants from being discriminated against by employers with 15 employees or more on the basis of:

  • Race

  • Color

  • Religion

  • Sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation)

  • National origin

  • Age (40 or older)

  • Disability

  • Genetic Information

  • Military status

Discrimination on the above bases is prohibited in all forms, including:

  • Unfair treatment

  • Harassment

  • Denial of a reasonable workplace accommodation

  • Retaliation

  • And more

The EEOC Process

When a worker starts a claim with the EEOC, the process may include mediation or, if mediation isn’t agreed upon or doesn’t resolve the charge, the Commission will investigate the allegations and issue a final decision.

An EEOC attorney will also evaluate your claim to see if there are other grounds for a civil lawsuit through which you may be entitled to compensation.

We Protect Arizona Employees’ Rights

At Robinson Law Offices, we believe that every Arizona employee has the right to be free from discrimination in the workplace. That’s why we pride ourselves on our commitment to protect workers and their jobs from illegal practices.

We offer one-on-one consultations with an experienced Arizona employment lawyer and specialized knowledge of federal, state and local laws. To schedule a consultation with an experienced EEOC lawyer, contact our office today.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, also known as the “EEOC”, is a federal agency that is responsible for protecting workers from discrimination. Particularly, the governing body upholds:

  • The Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1991;

  • The Equal Pay Act;

  • The Age Discrimination in Employment Act;

  • The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008; and

  • The Americans with Disabilities Act



Q: What is the process for filing a discrimination claim with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)? A: A claim of discrimination can be filed through the EEOC Public Portal. You must create a user account to submit an online inquiry and it should include basic information to allow the EEOC to evaluate the complaint. After filing, you will receive an inquiry number, which you should write down and keep for future reference. In Arizona, a discrimination claim must be filed with the EEOC within 300 days from the day the discrimination took place. If there are 60 or fewer days left to file a timely charge, there are special instructions in the Portal for how to file the charge more quickly. After submitting the inquiry, you will schedule an interview with an EEOC representative. The interview can be done over the phone, via video, or in-person. If the EEOC finds that your complaint is covered by EEOC law, it will draft a Charge of Discrimination, which is a formal complaint of employment discrimination, filed with the EEOC. You must sign it (you can also make recommended changes if needed), otherwise the EEOC may close the charge without taking further action. Your employer will receive an official notice of the Charge within approximately 10 days. The EEOC will invite you and your employer to participate in mediation to resolve the Charge. If both parties agree to mediation, an investigation is temporarily suspended. If mediation does not occur or is not successful, the EEOC will investigate the charge to find out if the law has been violated. The EEOC will request a Position Statement from your employer, and you will receive a copy of it. You will have 20 days from the date you receive it to respond. If needed the EEOC will grant extensions upon request. In your response, be sure to highlight any discrepancies in the employer’s Position and include any relevant information supporting your claim. If a settlement cannot be reached, the EEOC will determine whether the agency will pursue a lawsuit on your behalf.

Q: What is the difference between filing a discrimination claim with the Arizona Civil Rights Division and the EEOC? A: There are slight differences between filing a discrimination claim with the Arizona Civil Rights Division (AZCRD) and the EEOC. The two agencies cooperate with each other, so filing a claim with both agencies is unnecessary. It's important to understand which agency will accept certain claims, as well as any applicable statute of limitations (SOL). For state claims, you must file with the AZCRD within 180 days from the date the discrimination occurred. State claims at the AZCRD are available to you when the employer has less than 15 employees and the allegation is sexual harassment and for employers with more than 15 but less than 20 employees for all other alleged discrimination. Federal claims at the EEOC must be filed within 300 days from when the discrimination occurred and applies to employers with 15 or more employees (20+ employees for age discrimination) when alleging discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth, gender identity, sexual orientation), national origin, disability or genetic information.

We Protect Arizona Employees’ Rights

At Robinson Law Offices, we believe that every Arizona employee has the right to be free from discrimination in the workplace. That’s why we pride ourselves on our commitment to protect workers and their jobs from illegal practices.​


We offer one-on-one consultations with an experienced Arizona employment lawyer and specialized knowledge of federal, state and local laws. To schedule a consultation with an employment discrimination lawyer, contact our office today.​​

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